Path to Wellness
At My Dr’s Note, we genuinely prioritize your health and recognize the significance of allowing your body time to recuperate in case of illness. Our team consists of Board Certified medical doctors who hold licenses in all 50 states, specializing in Family Medicine and Emergency Medicine. We understand the challenges when trying to schedule appointments or reach out to your doctor for a medical excuse note. We have dedicated our efforts to providing this service to offer you a simpler alternative. By completing our online assessment, you may be approved to receive an authentic doctor’s note. No appointments needed for a regular doctor’s excuse note or a COVID-19 note. We help you focus on battling your illness without any stress or worries. For travel cancellation letters, ESA (Emotional Support Animal) Letters, or customized notes, you will need to book a quick video call with one of our Board Certified doctors. My Dr’s Note is powered by Board Certified Physicians at HealthSource Medical Associates, PLLC. Get started by clicking one of the note options below:


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You will not be charged if your request for a doctor's note is not approved

Receive A Real Doctor's Note Signed by a Board-Certified Doctor
Health tips for quicker recovery
Sickness may happen at the least opportune time. We understand how frustrating this can be sometimes and we’re happy to share some tips on how to recover quickly, so you can get back on your feet sooner!
- Proper Nutrition: Believe it or not, sticking to a clean simple diet high in antioxidants (fruits, vegetables, whole grains) can help your immune system fight more effectively against disease.
- Proper Rest: It’s generally understood that getting 7-8 hours of sleep is optimal for health, but did you know the timing and quality of your sleep also matter? For example, 8 hours of sleep while going to bed by 10 pm is actually more restorative than going to sleep after midnight. The difference lies within the body’s production of melatonin, a healing hormone that is produced by the brain when you have fallen asleep before midnight.
- Proper Hydration: Our bodies are comprised of about 60% water, so staying properly hydrated with pure water intake is very important, especially in times of illness. For most individuals, a daily goal of 2 L or 64 ounces a day is optimal. The demands may be higher due to increased metabolism from the immune system fighting the illness. Ensuring that your daily intake meets or exceeds this daily goal is vital for recovering from infections.
We also understand that there may be instances when you have to remain at home to recuperate, resulting in your absence from work or school. Use our online assessment form to determine your eligibility for our service. If your request is approved, you will receive an authentic medical certificate from a licensed, board-certified physician in your state starting at a nominal fee of $39.99.
My Dr’s Note LLC operates under the affiliation and management of HealthSource Medical Associates PLLC. We kindly request that you carefully review our Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, and Consent for Telehealth to comprehensively understand our services.
Please note: WE DO NOT OFFER EMERGENCY SERVICES. In the event of an emergency, please contact 911. Furthermore, it’s essential to note that we are NOT a substitute for your Primary Care Provider. Our services do not include issuing Disability letters or forms, Leave of Absence letters or forms, or any documentation pertaining to Work Injury